Final Vision Project: Learner Consideration

I am really enjoying creating these videos for my final vision project. I am a verbal thinker, so being able to freely speak aloud about my ideas and my process has been a great brainstorming activity. I find myself filming the same video three or four times before my words start to make sense, and my idea comes to light. I really appreciated the positive feedback on my last post. I have created another video, but this time with a clearer focus, and the idea of who this artifact I am creating is for.

CC for my video:

“Hi everyone, I’m back! Janelle the Island TL. Today I’m going to be talking about who I am creating my artifact for. My topic is “Fostering a Love of Reading”. This is a topic I am passionate about, want to pursue, continue to implement, to do research on, and continue to grow in this area. What I know so far is that I am going to be creating an infographic. It will be able to be used as a printable poster, or a PDF, or however else you see fit. I am picturing it as a printable poster that can be put up on a wall, so it can be used or referred to. It will be really clear, with clear titles and descriptions, as well as clear graphics. The person that this is for, or the people that this is geared towards is Teachers and Teacher-Librarians. Could even be for admin to pass along to their staff, or people who work in the education field. That’s who I have in mind while creating this. It’s not really meant for the purpose of handing it out to children, or to be sent out in an email to parents, it’s not for that. It’s for in the classroom setting and in the library, to help keep the focus on “How are we fostering a love of reading”, “ What steps are we taking”, “What are we doing well”, “What could we change”. I will be creating this infographic of what I know so far, what I hope to continue doing, and what I’m already implementing. Maybe there are some cool ideas in there that others haven’t thought of. Things that I am doing that others might think “That’s a really neat idea, and I haven’t thought of that”. That’s my hope. Not to do anything revolutionary, I’m sure, but just to spark some ideas. I am passionate about this and I hope to create something that other people may be passionate about as well. 

When I was in the classroom setting, I created a cozy corner in my classroom. I used things like pillows, a bench, and plants in my cozy corner. We made it a really sacred spot, it wasn’t a spot to sit at during lunch, or to hang out with friends. It was for reading, to give them a quiet spot, or to give them a spot to take a break. It was special, and a cool area for kids to read with a friend or read independently. My intention, as I have said, is to create something like that in my library. To create a really awesome space for kids to come and read (when I can open my library again). I will include some pictures of the benches that I have. I am dreaming of the day when I can use them to their full potential. Right now, sometimes I sit on them myself. I’m excited to be able to implement those in the future. This is what I have a vision and a passion for, so this will be part of my infographic. As well as other ways to foster a love of reading in the classroom or in the library. 

Another idea I have is to include reading aloud. Kids love when someone reads to them. It gives them a break, to relax, and have words put over them like a blanket. I remember as a kid being so excited for lunch time everyday to have my teacher read to me. To have that calming voice, of someone I know and trust, telling me a story. I still love being read to. I now get to be that person for kids, which I think is quite neat. I have other steps and ideas that I will be including into the infographic/poster/PDF. I will disperse this to my staff, as well as I hope to share it with the other Teacher-Librarians in my district. If they wish to share that with their teachers, they can do that. That is the purpose behind it. It’s not created for parents, the students, or the community, but it will be an open resource if someone wants to use it for that. My vision and idea behind creating it is more for people in the education world to create that space, that cozy home feel at school. As well as to make reading comfortable, a happy thing, and to foster a love of reading.”

I will be using Piktochart to create my infographic. I used it once before in my education degree, and I remember it being fairly straightforward and easy to use. I have done a bit of research of some helpful tips and tricks that will help me along the way as well. Here is a video I found that helps lay out the basics of Piktochart, to start me on the correct path. My goal is to make it clear and concise, as well as visually pleasing, so that it catches the eye.

Thanks for following along on this journey as I continue to learn and grow in new areas.

Janelle, The Island TL


“Create Infographics, Presentations & Reports.” Piktochart, 

The Island TL, Janelle. “Final Vision Project Learner Consideration.” Youtube, 2020, 

Piktochart Video. “How To Create a Piktochart Infographic Easily.” Youtube, 2014, 

3 thoughts on “Final Vision Project: Learner Consideration

  1. Luisa T.

    Hi Janelle, I am looking forward to your infograph. I think it is a really neat idea, as it will be meaningful to you personally but also helpful to others. Fostering a love for reading is so important, and if we can do this for our students, we are truly giving them the gift of a lifetime, a gift that will serve them well even past their education years. I also think that the students who we help foster a love of reading for, are the future adults who will be fostering that same love of reading in their own children.


  2. I feel like your vision is really coming into focus and I can sense your passion and excitement. I appreciate your video format. It makes it very easy for your audience to connect to you and your work. I loved your line – “have words put over them like a blanket” – what a wonderful visual. Words have the power to soothe, connect, heal, inspire…. and the visual of being able to wrap my students up with this is so beautiful. Looking forward to seeing your final product.


  3. Hi Janelle, your blog post is so professionally laid-out and formatted. Also, I am impressed with the video update! It was very informative and a great way to share your ideas and where you are headed with your infographic final project. I can see that you have great passion for fostering the love of reading. I look forward to seeing your final project.


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